Great leaders come in all shapes and sizes. But one thing that most, if not all, effective leaders have in common is excellent communication. They are able to build trust and empower others. They have the unique ability to meet the needs of those they are communicating with.

Below are a few communication skills that allow leaders to be effective:

Great leaders know when to talk and when to listen. Being a good listener is just as important as being a clear and concise speaker. Listening helps to build relationships and truly understand where there are needs and where growth can happen. It allows you to be a much more effective communicator because you know what to communicate. The practice of mirroring is paramount for leaders because it not only forces a leader to listen intently, but also clarifies what is being communicated. Remember, when beginning a conversation with someone, take a moment to look them in the eye and give them all of your attention. 

Showing Empathy
Empathy is ranked as one of the top leadership skills needed for success. Being able to respond and listen empathetically to others opens the door for more happiness and trust. When people feel heard and understood, they are more motivated and feel much more valued. 

Being Open To Feedback
Feedback is an important part of communication in leadership. Asking for it is a crucial way of getting a better understanding of what is working and what isn’t. And being open to receiving feedback is critical. Being receptive to the feedback that is given and then implementing it will build trust no matter where you are. 

Great and communicative leaders are few and far between. They understand their sphere of influence and build those around them up and make them feel valued, heard, and understood. While there is no “right way” to be a great leader, there are skills that help drive collaboration and success. These leaders understand the value of those skills and work to implement them in order to effectively communicate with others!