Committing to Zero Negativity is the most important step in your quest for more connected relationships.
Why? Because safety is the ingredient that allows two people to connect. Safety allows people to share openly and without concern that they will be judged or criticized. Safety makes it possible to listen, and be curious.
And what we know is that when there’s even a note of negativity in a relationship, safety cannot exist. It is really that simple.
Well OK, not THAT simple. Zero Negativity is a process, a daily practice that paves the way for connection to happen. Connection, as in Dialogue, and Affirmations, and Fun! Those are the skills you’ll learn in Safe Conversations workshops and online products. (Be sure to sign up for one at Safe Conversations, now!) The Path to Zero Negativity will make it possible for those skills to transform your relationships.
How the Path to Zero Negativity works:
Every morning for 30 days you’ll receive a personal 3–4-minute email message with simple practices to reinforce your commitment to Zero Negativity. And as you’ll discover, it isn’t a quest for perfection. Some of your most meaningful moments will be when you recover from a bout of negativity.
You may feel like your path is just beginning, but in fact, you’re almost there. Onward!
The 30-Day Path to Zero Negativity is divided into 4 sections:
Build awareness of negativity and its impact on your life and the lives of those around you.
- Discover how all humans are “wired” for negativity, and how to re-wire your brain for less negativity and greater safety.
- Learn how your early life experiences influence the way negativity plays out in your adult relationships.
- Identify and learn to shift repeated patterns of negativity to create safe, negativity-free space in all your relationships.
How we talk, listen, and connect to ourselves, and other people, determine whether our relationships are strong and happy or fragile and unfulfilling.
- Learn to navigate with grace and skill through difficult conversations.
- Discover the role other people and their behaviors play in your conversations, and how to address that with curiosity and compassion.
- Removing negativity from your life leaves a vacuum unless you replace it with something even more powerful; discover the “secret sauce” of communication that replaces negativity and changes the tone of every conversation.
Negativity not only affects your life but the lives of everyone around you. Compassion for their feelings as well as your own is the beginning of Zero Negativity.
- Discover how to conquer negativity by purposefully cultivating compassion and courage.
- Learn what role our emotions and feelings play in how we approach negativity.
- Find out how you can influence other people’s behaviors and attitudes by shifting from conflict to connection. We’ll give you the tools to do just that!
Though negativity can never be completely removed from your life, we hope this path ignites a permanent shift for you. Take the first step on your journey to true connection today!
- Discover the tools needed to maintain a life of Zero Negativity.
- Learn how you can create opportunities to make a real difference in your own life and the lives of everyone you talk to.
- Remember, you are not alone, and the benefits of this brief journey will extend far beyond these 30 days!
We’re committed to helping you replace negativity with compassion, curiosity, and courage. The path is a little steep, but we promise – it will lead to safer, more connected conversations – and relationships – from there on out! Take the first step on your journey to true connection today!
And remember, this trip comes with a 100% money-back guarantee! If at any point along the path you feel that you’re not headed in the right direction, just let us know and we’ll give you a full, unconditional refund. We welcome your feedback, too. If you have comments or suggestions for us, be sure to share them with your trainer so we can keep improving your experiences with Safe Conversations.
FAQ’s for 30-Day Path to Zero Negativity
Is this just for couples?
No, this path is for everyone! It is designed as an individual journey, with lessons and learnings that can be incorporated into any relationship, personal or professional. You’re welcome to embark on this path with your partner, but it is absolutely not required. If you do choose to hit the trail together, each of you would sign up individually. You will want to sign up on the same day to ensure your messages arrive in sync, as you will receive your own emails.
Do I need to take a Safe Conversations workshop?
We expect that many who sign up for the 30-Day Path to Zero Negativity will already have experienced Safe Conversations in some form, but it is not required. We do encourage you to join a Safe Conversations workshop and/or download our
SC Essentials course, as these will help you get the most out of the tools and practices you will receive on this path.
How will I receive the material on this path?
You will receive a welcome email within 24 hours of signing up. Each day you’re on the path, you’ll receive an encouraging and informative email that will include a 3-4 min read on that day’s topic along with a couple of exercises or thoughts for the day.
Day 1 will arrive in your inbox the day after you sign up. All subsequent messages will be delivered daily for…you guessed it…30 days. The emails will be waiting for you in your inbox at 8 am EST.
What if I did not get an email?
If you did not receive a welcome email within 10 mins of signing up: Tech Instructions here If you don’t receive your Day 1 or subsequent emails, check the spam or promotions folders in your email application. Your emails will be from and have the heading 30-Day Zero Negativity Challenge. Next, do a search in your emails for “30 Day Path to Zero Negativity”. If you find an email in one of those folders, mark it as “not spam” or “not a promotion” so future emails land in your inbox. If using Gmail, you can also right-click on an email to move it from the promotions tab to the primary tab. Then click “yes” so future messages appear in the primary tab.If you are still not receiving emails, please contact to answer any of your questions.
Can I schedule the challenge to start on a certain day?
Unfortunately, no. These emails are set to begin the next calendar day following your signup date.
What happens after the 30-Days?
If you use the tools you learn on the 30-Day Path to Zero Negativity, conversations that once felt negative and unsafe will shift to feeling positive, compassionate, and totally safe, deeper understanding of the Safe Conversations method can be found in our workshops, online products, and through our Training programs. Find more information at
Sharing is Caring.
We’re excited you’re on this journey with us and know that you’ll find great value in the 30 Day Path To Zero Negativity! As tempting as it is to share these messages with friends and family, we ask that you not forward them to others. Doing so really confuses our email system, so sharing these could result in your not receiving your full 30 day’s worth of material. If you’d like your friends or loved ones to experience the 30DZN Challenge with you, please send them here so they can receive their very own Zero Negativity messages.
Note: The 30-Day Zero Negativity Path is for educational purposes only. None of the content presented herein is intended to be interpreted or used as a substitute for professional medical advice or mental health therapy. If you experience severe physical, mental, or emotional difficulties such as abuse, addiction, or serious depression, we recommend you seek appropriate professional support immediately.