Safe Conversations with Harville and Helen


A self-paced, on-demand learning experience with renowned relationship experts and founders of Safe Conversations, Drs. Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt.

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An on-demand relationship education workshop featuring the teachings and  stories that started the Safe Conversations movement. Authors and renowned relationship experts, Drs. Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt, lead you through 6 learning modules that combine content with practice. The on-demand workshop features an all-new dialogue for exploring how current needs are triggered by past experiences – applicable for every type of relationship.

This intimate workshop was filmed in 2022 before a live studio audience in Dallas, Texas and has been adapted to lead you through the four sets of relationship skills:

  1. The critical practice of Zero Negativity
  2. A new way of talking: the Safe Conversations Dialogue
  3. A process for implementing Affirmations
  4. The pathway to Empathy

Safe Conversations with Harville and Helen is perfect for flexible schedules or remote access. The 6 modules are accompanied by a comprehensive participant guide and Safe Conversations integration plan. Stable internet access and a larger screen is recommended for optimal learning.

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